Anode material

Cathode material

Aluminum Laminated film

In addition to being used in mobile devices, the use of lithium batteries is also expanding to electric vehicles and residential applications. Battery pouch material for lithium batteries effectively maintains its size and shape with high flexibility. It also uses advanced coating technology and material design to help prevent moisture and aid in forming.

Battery pouches for lithium-ion batteries that use these features offer a high level of durability, as well as receiving high level feedback from various companies that are pushing to promote products that are more lightweight and thin.

Product Highlights

Battery pack


This battery pack has many advantages such as long-term stability and shelf life/ waterproof/ anti-electrolyte seal durability/ high dielectric strength/ high leak-proof performance/corrosion resistance of hydrofluoric acid/ formability/ heat resistant sealing…etc


  • D-EL408PH(3) Aluminum laminated film for electric car
  • Used in many famous brands such as Nissan “Leaf” brand, Zotye Auto, Ningong Bus and others.


This self-adhesive film provides excellent adhesion to a wide range of materials such as metal, plastic or glass and has high acceptance for use as a lithium-ion battery.


UHR (ultra-heat-resistance) material that penetrates acid modified resin.➡︎ Laminating strength

Characteristics of Tab-film

– No shrinking after sealing

– High level of barrier (vapor, electrolyte)
– Flexibility ( Able to fold over)
– Anti short-circuit (Equivalent to PPa-N)
– There is less adhesion of the adhesion layer and less residual solvent (out- gas)

Under development product

PPa-H3(150)(under development)

LFP (Lithium Iron Phosphate)

Phosphate-based materials and ternary oxide product technologies provide high-rate battery performance that is compatible with any Li-ion application to deliver greater power and extend battery cycle. The material is made 100% in Taiwan and contains longer life cycle (may be up to 10 years) than others in the same business. It is also certified for low temperature transfer with specially required by European and American customers, and its efficiency and safety specifications are highly trusted by customers.


High charging and discharging efficiency / high ignition temperature / environmental protection / high power and capacity. and long life cycle. Internationally certified such as ISO9001, ISO14001 and ISO 14064 and drive in Nano-metal oxide co-crystallized lithium ion phosphate compound technology (LFP-NCCOTEC) that is certified from ISO16949 to be applied in various fields such as battery revolution, Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV, HEV), electric vehicles (BEV), electric buses, electric bicycles and electric motorcycles, power tools, robots, airplanes, UPS, etc.


– No shrinking after sealing

Lithium Titanate (LTO)

Lithium titanate powder has been verified to have a capacity of approximately 165 mAh/g at 0.1 C offering fast charging and rapid discharging at the same time (90% in 6 min, 80% in 3 minutes ) and a wide range of high and low temperature applications (-30 °C~ 60 ℃), high safety, high power charging and discharging, high capacity utilization rate (90%) etc.


Application (Power Type)

Electric stacker
48V / 200Ah

Electric scooter
48V / 37Ah

Electric bus

Application (Power Type)

Wind energy storage street light
24V / 56Ah

Uninterruptible power system
430V / 100Ah

Energy storage system
677.6V / 76Ah